
Biorisk management advisors as gatekeepers of sustainable biotechnology
November 03 2021
Fostering biotechnology to achieve sustainable development goals needs sound biological risk assessment and mitigation to stay within the limits of safety and security of people and the environment.

Highlights of the World Vaccine Congress Europe 19-21 October 2021 in Barcelona
October 26 2021
Thanks to the tremendous efforts of Terrapinn UK the 2021 World Vaccine Congress Europe could take place on site. Highlights related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other vaccines are summarized below.
Gene technology for sustainable development
July 12 2021
Gene technology for sustainable development: a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol from toxified lignocellulosic feedstocks

Nobel Prize Summit OUR PLANET OUR FUTURE Urgent Call for Action
May 21 2021
The 2021 Nobel Prize Summit of April 2021, has resulted in an Urgent Call for Action concluding that global sustainability offers the only viable path forward in the Anthropocene epoch.

1st ABSA Biosecurity Conference, lessons learnt
April 26 2021
The highly diverse program of the first biosecurity conference of ABSA international highlights past experiences and future prospects in biosecurity

COVID-19 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
April 19 2021
„Biosafety: gatekeeper for sustainability in biotechnology?“ (