and our partnering network
During our 20 years of business, we have consequently and consistently built and maintained our partnership with experts and partnering networks internationally.
Our network with highly knowledgeable and dedicated

Monia Daaloul, Associate professor in Microbiology and Immunology (lecturer), Biosafety Advisor and president of committee on biosafety/biosecurity of the Tunisian National school for Veterinary Medicine of Sidi Thabet, Tunis, Tunisia, Vice president of the committee of biosafety/biosecurity of diagnostic veterinary laboratories (the Tunisian National School for Veterinary Medicine and the research veterinary institute of Tunisia)

Jörg Frank, Biocontainment Design and High Containment Operations and Maintenance, t team leader at the Department for Safety, Security and Environment of the University of Zurich, Switzerland and member of the advisory board of the Swiss Biosafety Network SBNet, formerly scientist at Maag Agrochemical Inc. in Switzerland and Florida

Isabel Hunger-Glaser, PhD in microbiology and molecular biology, Head of the Biology Division at the Spiez Laboratory, formerly executive director Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety, and Head of biosafety at Crucell/Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Bern Switzerland, Presedient of the Swiss Biosafety Network and the European Biosafety Association (EBSA)

Hussein Y. Naim, PhD in Biochemistry, and professor of Virology and Immunology, formerly Director of Vaccines Research at Berna Biotech-Crucell. He served on the Reviewing Regulatory Boards of National and International Health Authorities. He is the General Manager of Vaccinum – Life Sciences and Vaccines Consulting, Lyss, Switzerland

Javed Muhammad, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Haripur, Pakistan and Treasurer in Pakistan's Biological Safety Association. He is serving as a Biosafety Expert with the Health Department of Pakistan for testing facilities for COVID19 and is a Research Associate at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Diagnostic lab in Lahore. Javed is a trainer on enhancing biosafety and biosecurity measures at both national and international forums and as an International Expert in EU CBRN COE Project 46

Kristina M. Schmidt, Chief Group Diagnostics and Reference at Spiez Laboratory, Switzerland; PhD in Virology, BSL4 training and work at US NIH/NIAID, Postdoc at Boston University/National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL), USA; WHO Emergency Consultant, Sierra Leone; Biosecurity Program of G7 Global Partnership Program at Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany; Deputy Director of National Reference Laboratory for Filoviruses, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Greifswald Insel-Riems, Germany

Fabia Schläppi, Master in Biochemistry University of Bern, Safety Specialist EKAS, Certified Occupational Hygienist SGAH, Environmental Health and Safety Manager DePuy Synthes Companies, Oberdorf Switzerland, President of the Swiss Occupational Hygiene Association (SGAH /SSHT), formerly EHS&S Manager, Johnson & Johnson (Crucell / Janssen Vaccines), Industrial Hygiene Specialist at Cilag, Janssen / Johnson & Johnson, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Heather Sheeley, MSc Occupational Health and Safety Management, Chartered H&S specialist, and Chartered Biologist, independent consultant, expert advisor to European agencies, UK Government Departments and other international bodies including WHO. Active in the global biosafety and biosecurity community with projects in UK, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Caucuses, Pakistan and Baltic, formerly Public Health England, Biosafety Programme Lead, Porton Down, UK, and President of the European Biosafety Association

Arie Voordouw, BSc Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Biosafety and Environmental Safety Advisor at Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, specialist BSL3 laboratory and animal facilities, member of the Dutch National Platform of BioSafety Officers

Azham Zulkharnain, PhD in Biotechnology, Associate Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan, Formerly, Senior Lecturer and Biosafety Officer in University of Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. Currently, holding the post of President for the Malaysian Biosafety and Biosecurity Association (MBBA) since 2018

Jean Pascal Zanders, PhD in Political Sciences, independent researcher/consultant on disarmament and security questions, The Trench - Disarmament & Security Researcher; International Consultant Ferney-Voltaire, and Senior Research Associate at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique Paris, France, expert to the Belgian and EU Delegations in the Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention meetings, formerly Project Leader of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Patrick W. Okanya, PhD in Natural Products Chemistry and Senior Lecturer of Biochemistry at the Technical University of Kenya. IFBA Certified Professional in Biorisk Management and Biosecurity. Member of the IFBA Certification Body. IFBA Global Mentor in Biosafety and Biosecurity. Secretary General of the Biorisk Management Association of Kenya. Biosafety and Biosecurity Curriculum Development Consultant and Biorisk Trainer