
Our experience encompasses all areas of biosafety and biosecurity be it in industry, academia, authorities or open space.

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Global harmonization of biosafety and biosecurity

  • ISO/TC212 Working Group 5 Project management to develop an ISO Technical Specification on Competence of Biorisk Management Advisors, since 2019

  • Member of the certification body of the International Federation of Biosafety Associations, IFBAParticipation in the Twinning Project by Sandia National Laboratories building biosafety and biosecurity capacity in Africa and the Middle East through personal mentoring of local biosafety advisors, 2018-2019

  • Co-chairing of the CEN Workshop on Biosafety Professional (BSP) Competence, leading to the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA16335:2011, 2009-2010

  • Co-teaching of the 5 day biosafety train the trainer program as part of the “EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Project 46” for South-East Asia

  • Evaluation of biosafety regulations in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia Pacific region for Xibios, 2010

  • Design and delivery of a 10-day biosafety train the trainer program in Southeast Asia as part of the “EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Project 46”

  • Worldwide review and evaluation of biosafety regulations, 2010

  • Regulatory requirements for the import of human and animal cell lines to European and South East Asian countries

  • Assessment of existing capabilities in biorisk management and in biological waste management in Southeast Asian countries based on meetings with the stakeholders and site visits, with country-specific recommendations for capacity building, as part of the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Project 46

  • Contribution, as expert, to the development of the "Laboratory biorisk management standard" CWA 15793 (now ISO 35001), 2007-2008

Biorisk management advisors as gatekeepers of sustainable biotechnology

November 03 2021
Fostering biotechnology to achieve sustainable development goals needs sound biological risk assessment and mitigation to stay within the limits of safety and security of people and the environment.

Highlights of the World Vaccine Congress Europe 19-21 October 2021 in Barcelona

October 26 2021
Thanks to the tremendous efforts of Terrapinn UK the 2021 World Vaccine Congress Europe could take place on site. Highlights related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other vaccines are summarized below.

Gene technology for sustainable development

July 12 2021
Gene technology for sustainable development: a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol from toxified lignocellulosic feedstocks
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