Environmental risk assessment of gene therapy
products and recombinant vaccines
Synthetic Biology: new risks and new regulations? U. Jenal, Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety, 2016, Bern
Risk Assessment of Synthetic Biology, U. Jenal, European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy Conferences, Madrid, Spain, October 2012 and Helsinki, Finland, September 2015
Ist Synthetischen Biologie die sichere Biotechnologie?, U. Jenal, Workshop on Synthetic Biology by TA-Swiss, March 2015, Bern, Switzerland
Synthetic Biology Website of the Swiss Academy of Science, participation in site development regarding Safety, Regulatory Requirements, Examples, Forum for Genetic Research, 2015, Bern, Switzerland
Environmental Risk Assessment of Gene Therapy Products, U. Jenal, DECHEMA Course on ATMPs, November 2015, Tutzing, Germany
Environmental Risk Assessment of Gene Therapy Products, U. Jenal, Swiss Biotech Association, Biotech Fall Day, October 2015, Monthey, Switzerland
Environmental Risk Assessment of Glybera, an AAV-based Gene Therapy Product, regarding the Authorisation of the Placing on the Market in Europe, U. Jenal, F.G.C. Salmon, Annual Conference of the American Biosafety Association, October 2014, ABSA, San Diego, USA
Production and application of nano-bio-objects the crossroad of nano-bio risk management, U. Jenal, European Biosafety Association Annual Conference, April 2011, Estoril, Portugal
Production and application of BioNanoParticles: the crossroad of chemistry, biotechnology and medicines regulations, U. Jenal, 1st International Congress BioNanoMed 2009, Nanotechnology in Medicine & Biology, Krems, Austria