Mentoring and training of biorisk management
advisors and train the trainer courses
Setting of and managing efficient Institutional Biosafety Committees, Ph. Stroot, 2-day workshops, Pakistan Biological Safety Association, 2018
Biosafety and biosecurity awareness, Ph. Stroot et al., 4-day workshops, Pakistan Biological Biosafety Association, 2013-2015
The Biosafety Professional, the expert to advise on and promote the implementation and the improvement of biosafety and biosecurity management in an institution, U. Jenal, 2nd Annual International Symposium “Biosecurity and Biosafety: future trends and solutions”, October 2010, Milano, Italy
Best Practice and Professional Responsibility in Biosecurity/Biosafety, The Initiatives of the European Biosafety Association, U. Jenal, Sustainable Scientists Engagement Worldwide, Opportunities to Prevent Proliferation by Enhancing Best Practice and Professional Responsibility, 26 Oct. 2009, G8GP Working Group, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Landau Network Centro Volta, Rome, Italy
The Biosafety Officer -A Networking Expert, U. Jenal, 2008 Belgian Biosafety Symposium ‘The biosafety professional: roles and interactions in a complex network’, Belgian Biosafety Professionals, 11 Dec. 2008, Leuven, Belgium