
With our 20 years of experience we offer a large range of services allowing the safe use of genetically modified organisms and protection from infectious disease agents.

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Public Communication and open-space biosafety

Honest, independent, emphatic: Communication with the public, knowledge transfer and open-space biosafety.


  • Public speeches on biosafety issues regarding latest development in biotechnology

  • Seminars for lay persons on biosafety in biosciences

  • Participation in public dialog activites

  • Development of crisis management systems in the context of the biological risk an institutions is confronted with

  • Biological risk assessment and management of open spaces


  • Adjustments of biosafety measures to also protect laboratory personnel from community spread SARS-CoV-2 while at work

  • Support with decision making regarding protection measures at schools in the context of COVID-19

  • Advice on protection of personnel from community spread SARS-CoV-2 small and large stores including large grocery providers and department stores

  • Support regarding biosafety with setting up of ad-hoc childcare centers within institutions


  • Misuse of biological research: How can we prevent biocrimes? U. Jenal, moderator, Annual Meeting of LS2 Life Sciences Switzerland, 2017, Lausanne

  • Presentation as part of the initiative of the University of Zurich to foster discussion with the public, Wissen-schaf(f)t Wissen, 2018 Neue Methoden der Gentechnologie: Segen, Gefahr oder beides?

  • Biosafety training for diplomats in the context of the BTWC