Public Communication and open-space biosafety
Honest, independent, emphatic: Communication with the public, knowledge transfer and open-space biosafety.
Public speeches on biosafety issues regarding latest development in biotechnology
Seminars for lay persons on biosafety in biosciences
Participation in public dialog activites
Development of crisis management systems in the context of the biological risk an institutions is confronted with
Biological risk assessment and management of open spaces
Adjustments of biosafety measures to also protect laboratory personnel from community spread SARS-CoV-2 while at work
Support with decision making regarding protection measures at schools in the context of COVID-19
Advice on protection of personnel from community spread SARS-CoV-2 small and large stores including large grocery providers and department stores
Support regarding biosafety with setting up of ad-hoc childcare centers within institutions
Misuse of biological research: How can we prevent biocrimes? U. Jenal, moderator, Annual Meeting of LS2 Life Sciences Switzerland, 2017, Lausanne
Presentation as part of the initiative of the University of Zurich to foster discussion with the public, Wissen-schaf(f)t Wissen, 2018 Neue Methoden der Gentechnologie: Segen, Gefahr oder beides?
Biosafety training for diplomats in the context of the BTWC